Friday, May 30, 2008 - Thing 19

My username is calvamom. In fact, I use that name in most public web 2.o apps. I have been using the for several years. I have found it most useful for sharing with peers and setting up sets of web resources for teachers or classes in my school. One quick link can get them a whole set of good things at any computer with internet. The open nature which lets anyone see your tags anywhere is, in my opinion, one of its greatest strengths. It also makes it easy to find good related things by looking at who else bookmarked the resources you think are "best" in a particular subject. Those people have often found other very good things. These days (and maybe it always was) it is all about good, smart connections. I joined the Social Media Mafia group in Facebook just to make connections and pick the brains of the smart young social media guys. The added thing about social media is that you also feel an obligation to the community to share good things yourself and be a useful part of the community. At least for me, this spurs me on to work harder and smarter to locate and share good resources, so that I will get some in return. The synergy allows me to do more with less. In today's education world, that can only be a good thing.

1 comment:

chrishambly said...

Great to know you joined, also now we are using the Facebook Page.

And of course our website explains a lot and has a newsletter too.

Social Media Mafia


The Don