Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Moving My Professional Stuff Here

Well, It looks like it is really true that I will be going back into the classroom soon. Due to the intransigence of the government of the State of Michigan, media specialists are about to become as rare as hen's teeth in Dearborn. Due to this change, I have decided to move my comments about professional learning and digital tools to this blog, which I used for the Twenty-Three Things project. All is not gloom and doom. I have been participating in a great new SCOPE seminar about digital identity . Cindy Underhill also offered up Dave White's excellent video presentation about digital visitors vs. digital residents , which is a different way of fraiming the digital natives vs. digital immigrants discussion that appears to make more sense , as is catagorizes by type of use and function as opposed to age, whihc was never a very good marker, in my middel-aged opinion. so if you know of a school or university some where warm that needs a net saavy middle-aged person for media or technolgy work, give thwm my name.