Thursday, May 29, 2008

Collaborative Web Tools - Thing 16

Miracle of miracles, it appears that Zoho is not blocked at school. This will solve my GoogleDocs problem, as I can use the related Zoho apps which suits me just fine. I think this will also be my solution for the teacher who is having students login to computers using other students logins so that they can collaborate on Powerpoint projects. I have had a Librarything for a couple of years. Of course, I am a librarian, so it figures that I have lists of books all over. If you would like to see my books click here.
I actually like better because it has so many great and active reading groups and you can get a daily feed from the groups of your choice. Here are my Goodreads books. seems like a fun and useful thing that could work sort of like a shared Inspiration project. I've seen some interesting ones made by others and now have taken a crack at it myself. I would be a good way for students to map out and plan group projects. Not sure if they all have emails though, so that could be a problem. Most seem to have them, but what about those who don't? Once again the digital divide rears its ugly head. Great set of tools. Lots of possibilities

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