First of all, thank you 23 Things team. This was a well designed and enjoyable educational experience, thanks to your hard work.
I'm done with the assignments, but not with the course. Web 2.0 is first and foremost about community and collaboration, so I will continue to read others' blogs and comment on them, in the hopes of provoking more conversation about technology and its place in our schools. I found and learned to use several great new tech tools and I do love a good tech tool to play with. You can never get bored with your teaching and seldom bore your students if you play with every new tool that comes down the pike. Even better, you can get them to play with you and teach you their tech tricks. The new education world is just as flat as the economic world. Play is important in 21st century learning world, too.
On the downside, most administrators just cannot grasp classroom 2.0. The need to be above teachers and students and be able to have "control". The fact that their "control" is and illusion which interferes with authentic teaching and learning is not enough to get them to change. I hate to repeat a statement I heard once about a church, I think my school district is a few good funerals (or at least retirements) from doing a really super job. In the 21st century, the reality is change or die, and I think public education is facing that same challenge. We can't educate 21st century learners in 19th century factory model schools. The factory has transformed itself to survive, and schools must do the same.
'Fireproof' House Upgrades for Peace of Mind
5 hours ago
1 comment:
You have successfully completed RESA's 23 Things. Congratulations!
Your perspective as one who has used these technologies in the past is especially interesting. Keep up all the great work you do.
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