Tuesday, April 22, 2008

23 Things Begins - Thing 2

I am not new to blogging. I maintain 2 blogs for my school.
McU Media Center

Middle Books Book Review

My frustration is that I have to do many of the 23 things at home, because all sorts of things are blocked at school. My administrator will not even open things for a PD day at the request of the building administrators. How can we bring eduction into the 21st century when our administration is much more concerned with control than with learning? I look forward to hearing about how other teachers get their district to understand the value of the Web 2.o tools.


RESA 23Things said...

Welcome to 23 Things!

The blocking issue is frustrating - especially when the workplace is expecting employees to know how to use blogs and wikis and other Web 2.0 tools in their work. I'm anxious to hear from others as well as what their district's philosophy about access is.

IcanDrawStickMen,StrtLinesW/aRulerANDblogART said...

I am fortunate that my administrators are more open-minded about this. Almost all the sites were blocked by our district's filters as well, but after an email to our tech administrator for access, most of where I needed to go were opened for my teacher computer access in school. Communication of the needs/objectives is key - keep on knocking on their door and hopefully they'll open it for you... Goodluck!